non abbiamo bisogno artinya
- In response Pius XI issued the encyclical Non abbiamo bisogno ("We Have No Need)") in 1931.
Untuk menanggapinya, Paus Pius XI mengeluarkan ensiklik Non abbiamo bisogno (Kami Tidak Butuh) pada tahun 1931. - In 1931, Pope Pius XI issued the encyclical Non abbiamo bisogno ("We Have No Need") that denounced the regime's persecution of the church in Italy and condemned "pagan worship of the State."
Pada tahun 1931, Paus Pius XI mengeluarkan surat ensiklik Non abbiamo bisogno ("Kami Tidak Butuh"), yang mengecam persekusi rezim atas Gereja di Italia dan mengutuk "penyembahan berhala yaitu negara".